(八打灵再也13日讯)大马房地产发展商会(REHDA)主席拿督 童银坤对政府把非公民和外资公司转让房地产所有权的印花税率 定在4%表示担忧。 他发表文告欢迎政府在2024年财政预算案的宣布之外,也提出一 些隐忧。
STRIKING a balance between addressing immediate economic challenges and laying the groundwork for sustainable growth, Budget 2024 reflects the government’s commitment to strengthening the nation’s socioeconomic development and driving long-term resilience and prosperity.
KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 13): The Real Estate And Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia (Rehda) expressed concern over the government’s plan to introduce a 4% flat rate for the stamp duty on memorandum of transfers (MOT) on purchases by foreign individuals and companies in Budget 2024, presented by Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Friday.
Minister of Finance Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tabled the much-anticipated Budget 2024 (Belanjawan 2024) in parliament, today at 4 pm. This is the second budget tabled by the Pakatan Harapan Alliance government. Take a look at the financial and property incentives announced under Budget 2023.
KUALA LUMPUR: The government has allocated RM2.47bil to implement people's housing projects (PPR) next year, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.